Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Banana-Date Scones

I'm trying to bake every week now so that I have mid-morning snacks for work. I usually make muffins but the Banana-Date Scones from Veganomicon promised to be healthy and full of natural sugars so I went for it.

I made two substitutions, one which was unintentional. Now it could just be that I am terrible at finding things, but I couldn't locate brown rice syrup at my local health food store! So agave came to the rescue.

The recipe also instructed that I should make a flax seed egg, but given my large quantity of chia seeds I decided to make a chia egg instead and it turned out very well. I only soaked the soy milk and chia mixture for about 15 minutes but it turned into gel and blended perfectly into the scones. 

It should be noted that although these are called scones, flaky pastries they are not. They are like a heartier, wholesome cousin.

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